Peer activities

TuSeta and other LGBTQIA+ associations offer peer activities in Turku. Check out our groups as well as Turku Pride, Spektri (for LGBTQIA+ students), Mummolaakso (association for lesbian and bisexual women), Turun Baletti (BDSM association), Turun seudun sateenkaariperheet (association for rainbow families in Turku) and the TransTurku-event.

Professional Support

Support service Sinuiksi

Sinuiksi offers meetings with sexual counselor and sexual therapist Outi Santavuori at TuSeta’s office. If you are in need of a face-to-face meeting or confidential discussions send Outi a message. Sinuiksi also provides support for asylum seekers.

Sinuiksi also offers phone service on Mondays and Thursdays from 7 PM to 9 PM at 044 300 2355. The service is for everyone who wants to discuss their own or their family member’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Transgender Support Center

Transtukipiste offers support groups in Helsinki but you can also get in contact with Transtukipiste employees by calling them.

You can reach the Service Coordinator on Wednesdays at 2 PM – 4 PM at 0503716899.

You can reach the Social Psychologist on Thursdays at 3.15 PM – 5 PM at 0503031522.

You can reach the Community Educator on Fridays at 12 PM – 2 PM at 0503264504.


Trasek is a Finnish association for transgender and intersex rights. Trasek advocates for human rights, anti-discrimination measures as well as proper medical care for transgender and intersex individuals.

Trasek can be reached by email with hallitus(at) (the whole board) or neuvonta(at) (advice). Please don’t hesitate to contact Trasek if you’ve had any problems obtaining care or with other trans or intersex issues.