As a member of TuSeta you support the work we do. We organise peer groups, events and parties but also educate students, teachers and other professionals on LGBTQIA+ issues.
Join us!
You can become a member by filling out this form. Your membership begins once you have paid the membership fee and TuSeta’s board has approved your application.
You can pay the membership fee via PayTrail right after sending the application form. Paytrail is a payment gateway that accepts account transfers, credit cards and MobilePay. If you wish to pay later, you can also wait for the bill. The bill will be sent to you via email or post, depending on your choice. FloMembers, our membership register, will appear as the sender in the email.
Here are translations to some fields that appear only in Finnish:
– Uutiskirjeet ja vapaaehtoistyö translates to newsletters and volunteer work. Here you can choose how much you wish for us to contact you and let us know if you are interested in volunteering. You can choose several options. The options are, in order:
– I wish to receive only statutory messages
– You may send me text messages
– I am interested in volunteering
– Seta’s newsletter on human rights [in Finnish]
– Seta’s newsletter on current affairs in LGBTIQA+ organisations [in Finnish]
– Seta’s newsletter on gender diversity [in Finnish]
– TuSeta’s member newsletters [rare, mostly in Finnish]
– TuSeta’s newsletter about current events in Turku, Pinkkiposti [in Finnish]
– TuSeta’s mailing list
– Jäsenyysluokka refers to membership category, see below!
– Lupa tietojen tallentamiseen indicates the box on the right about permitting us to save your information in our membership register.
– Osoitteen lisärivi is not relevant, please ignore this one. Verkkolaskuosoite refers to e-invoice address and may be relevant only if you wish to apply for organisation membership.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about membership, joining us, or how to use the membership register, please contact us:!
- discounts on entry to our parties (for example OMQ! -clubs)
- discounts on all of the parties that local Seta member organisations throw all over Finland
- a chance to participate in decision making within TuSeta
- discounts on events and services our partners organise and provide.
Regular membership costs 13 €/year. As a member, you have a right to vote in TuSeta’s general meetings and a chance to voice your opinion in the board meetings.
Youth membership costs 5 €/year and is meant for youth between 15 and 18 years of age. Youth membership is valid until the end of the year the member turns 18 years old.
Support membership costs 30 €/year. As a support member, you support TuSeta’s work but don’t have a right to vote.
Organisation membership costs 50 €/year and is meant for other organisations and companies who want to support TuSeta. We’ll post info about your organisation on our website if you wish so.
Once your membership has been approved, you will get a link to your account on TuSeta’s FloMembers page and instructions on how to activate it. You can update your contact information, manage your preferences and access your bills on your account at any time.
Once your account is activated, you can download our membership card to your mobile phone. The membership card will indicate that you are an active member once your membership fee is registered on our bank account. (If you have paid your membership fee a while back and the status of your card has not turned to active, try clearing your browser’s cache. If this does not work, please contact us:
You can update your contact information and manage your preferences in your account on TuSeta’s FloMembers page.